Our Story

Our family purchased the Maitland Ranch in 2004 after years of abandonment.

It took a lot of work to make the place a functioning cattle ranch. Miles of fencing, corrals, infrastructure, and a lot of hard-earned lessons got us to where we are today. Blood, sweat, and tears went into building the operation we have now, and we are continually striving towards improving our operation in both efficiency and land stewardship.

In 2013, our ranch was devastated by the Big Thompson Flood, and we had to restart our cattle operation from the ground up. We went from flood debris piles the size of large houses, bare rock and sand where our meadows used to be, and most of our equipment and corrals being completely obliterated to where we are now. We had to dig out our pond, redo basements, and move hundreds and hundreds of dump truck loads of earth. After innumerable other jobs to recover what we had lost, you would have to look closely to know the flood ever happened. Water heaters, bathtubs, car parts, pieces of highway, and nearly anything you could imagine littered our property, and after over a decade of work, we have restored and even improved our ranch.

Most of the property is under a conservation easement, and we are currently negotiating a third conservation easement for our upper meadows, which will ensure that our land remains in its natural state for generations to come. We believe we have a responsibility to be good stewards of our land, and we continue to make efforts to see our land and our cattle operations thrive into the future.